
Outstaffing Armenia

Did you know that work experience rather than educational background determines the compensation of IT professionals in Armenia? That means you get the best value for money! With many award-winning tech education programs for teenagers, from 42 Yerevan to TUMO, Armenia is often deservingly called the world’s next technological hub. Ready to kickstart your outstaffing journey? Discover why choosing an Armenian IT outstaffing company can be a wise decision!
Ararat Yerevan

So Have You Devided to Outstaff?

And likely didn’t consider Armenia as an outstaffing country. Well, you really should.


But why Armenia?

Read on to discover why cooperating with an Armenian IT outstaffing company can give you convenience and access to top-notch talents, among various benefits!

What is the Infrastructure Like in Armenia?

What is Armenia’s competitive advantage among emerging markets that try to use tech to beat out their rivals and boost their economies? That’s what Forbes asked the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia. “Our brains,” the reply was simple. “We can create a lot of resources by using our brain.” And it turns out that it’s through being an educational center that Armenia grew so rapidly in the global tech world. Did you know that Armenia was the Soviet Union’s scientific hub and center of its research activities? The country even provided about half of the high-tech needs of the Soviet military. This legacy is still alive and is here to stay!

Get to know the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, a free-of-charge educational program where teens have complete freedom to explore various IT career prospects.


The education program consists of independent learning activities, workshops, and project labs. Various career tracks are available to spark teens’ curiosity, from game and web development to graphic design. And recently, TUMO’s 42 Yerevan, an international coding school, came 8th on the list of WURI Top 100 Innovative Universities! A range of STEM majors are offered at the best universities in Armenia, including:

  • Yerevan State University
  • State Engineering University of Armenia
  • American University of Armenia
  • French University in Armenia

World's Next Tech Hub

That’s correct; Forbes named Armenia an emerging tech innovation hot spot. In fact, between 2009 and 2017, ICT service exports more than doubled, going from around $94 million to $212 million. Building on a long history of outsourcing services, most of these exports are in software development. Today, Armenian ICT companies are shifting from a service model to a product design one. A thriving high-tech start-up movement has spawned well-known companies that have found success worldwide. Some companies (such as Synopsys and Mentor Graphics) are already incorporated into GVCs through international subsidiaries. As an outsourcing and outstaffing service provider, Codeex has partnered with various leading companies worldwide. Through the TryMeet mobile application, we devised a new way for people to meet each other and share experiences. Curious to see what else we have got in store? Check out our IT portfolio!

Technology Conferences in Armenia

First things first, are tech conferences worth it?

By attending a tech conference people get to expand their knowledge and skills. From a marketer to a tech geek, tech conferences can help everyone improve. And in 2022 Armenia hosts a number of IT conferences! Starting in Belarus in 2018, EMERGE conference has grown to become a hub for entrepreneurs, startups, community leaders, larger firms, and investors from Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Central Asia. And this year EMERGE conference was held in Armenia!

Other much-awaited tech events happening in the country include:

  • STARMUS Festival
  • ORION SUMMIT 2022 – Orion Worldwide Innovations
  • Silicon Mountains 2022
  • International Technology Summit
  • Global Innovation Forum – GIF2022
WCIT Armenia

Are There Major Cultural Differences to Western Europe?

While Armenia is located right between Europe and Asia, its culture is fundamentally European. Most Armenians are Christian, and the country was the first to adopt Christianity as a state religion in 301 A.D. Armenian, the country’s official language, belongs to the Indo-European family. How democratic is Armenia? According to Economist Intelligence Unit, Armenia is the most democratic country in the region, above Georgia, Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan, and Iran. Here’s a video clip from World Congress on Information Technology (2019) to get you in the mood to outstaff with Armenia!

What's the Cost of Hiring Software Developers in Armenia?

Did you know that outstaffing rates are 20 to 30% lower than outsourcing ones? The IT outstaffing company you choose to partner with will take full responsibility for managing talent and providing necessary equipment. While factors such as experience level may affect the compensation of a software developer, the median salary of IT workers in Armenia can give you a sense of how affordable a partnership with an Armenian outstaffing company can be. The typical nominal monthly salary for IT employees in 2020 was AMD 646,563 (gross), which is about USD 1,520. By the way, research shows that the salary of IT professionals in Armenia is conditioned not by their educational level but by work experience.

Times Zones are Convenient

When telling you how to choose a software development company for outstaffing, we stressed the importance of the geographical location of your partner. Armenia uses the time zone known as Armenia Time (AMT). At UTC+04:00, Armenia Time is four hours ahead of UTC. Here’s how the local time of Armenia compares with major business cities:

  • Frankfurt is 2 hours behind Yerevan
  • Paris is 2 hours behind Yerevan
  • London is 3 hours behind Yerevan
  • New York is 8 hours behind Yerevan

Is your business located in the United States? At Codeex, we have successfully cooperated with major companies from Western Europe to the United States. So you can have a reliable partner by your side, ready to collaborate across time zones.

Are you ready to spice up your in-house expertise through our range of IT outstaffing services? Discover why Codeex can be your ideal IT outstaffing Armenia partner!